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START'S 18th Annual
Snow Ball

You are Cordially [NOT] Invited to

S.T.A.R.T.'s 18th Annual

Winter Snow Ball!

We ask you not to join us for our

NON-Event of the Season!

Just think of the Savings:

New Outfit............$150

Event Ticket...........$85

Pet/Child Sitter......$50

Gas & Parking........$75

Donate Now!

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Donate That Money To The Homeless

 Cats And Kittens That We Rescue!

2024 began with S.T.A.R.T. joining forces with other local rescue groups to help an overwhelmed home in our community. Working together toward one goal is what rescue is all about! We were grateful to be a small part of something much larger and experienced such reward with the cats and kittens we helped save. The second chances we were able to give these creatures was a blessing for them and for us. That feeling of purpose carried us through the ups and downs of what seemed like an endless kitten season, filled with heart break and triumph. We thank you for your endless support as we continue to answer the call of rescue!

The one constant in our lives has been our rescue life. The fur-babies still need our help to provide them with a chance for a better life. S.T.A.R.T. will not let down the four-legged community. It has been difficult to survive financially but you are truly making a difference!

Thank you for your generosity and continued

support. Have a Happy and Healthy 2025!


Since there is no expense for decorations, food, drinks or entertainment, your entire TAX DEDUCTIBLE contribution will be used for food, supplies, and medical expenses for the local homeless dogs and cats we rescue.


RSVP:  By kindly printing, completing and mailing the donation form below or use our Donation Now option on this page! 


Donation Form 
I Appreciate Not Having to Attend the Winter SnowBall
And Herewith Enclose:

$15   $25   $50   $75   $100   $250+   (Circle One)
Other: $_______________
Name: ________________________
Address: ________________________
City: ________________________
Email: ________________________


Mail to:

S.T.A.R.T., Save the Animals Rescue Team

P.O. Box 1098

Little Falls, NJ 07424

Winter Ball

Invite friends to sit at your imaginary table!

Please share with your friends and family and let them know we are making a difference in the lives of our rescued animals!

Donate Now!

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