Spay & Neuter Programs
Animal Protection League of New Jersey www. aplnj.org
NJ Animal Population Control Program. Check their website
OR NJ Department of Health at 609-588-3121 for details and participating vets (see Below).
East Coast NJ Spay Clinic, 732-929-9449 (located in Toms River, Ocean County)
Spay USA, 1-800-248-SPAY (7729)
Ace of Spays, 609-267-6770 (located in Hainsport, Burlington County)
Friends of Animals, 800-321-7387 (statewide – certificate program at participating vets)
People for Animals, 856-243-5211 (located in Millville, Cumberland County)
People for Animals, 973-282-0890 (located in Hillside, Union County)
People for Animals, 609-208-3252 (located in Robbinsville, Mercer County)
Passaic & Surrounding Counties
Animal Protection League Animal Protection League
Low Cost Spay/Neuter – Animal Protection League of New Jersey (aplnj.org)
People for Animals
401 Hillside Ave, Hillside, NJ 908-964-6887
Call 973-282-0890 for any questions or concerns relating to the spay/neuter, Spay/Neuter Program for Pets & Ferals
Bergen County
Bergen County Animal Control TNR
Free Spay/Neuter Program for Feral Cats
201-752-4260 – ask for TNR Program
Focas – Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Program
Free Spay/Neuter Program for Feral Cats
201-943-4019 - Voucher Program – must call first
Hudson County
Liberty Humane Society
235 Jersey City Blvd, Jersey City, NJ 07305
Phone: (201) 547-4147 Email: lhs@libertyhumane.org
Spay/Neuter Program for Pets & Ferals
Spay/Neuter - Liberty Humane Society
The Hudson County Animal League
Call for low cost spay/neuter information 201-200-1008
The League provides low-cost spay/neuter certificate that is accepted by eight veterinary clinics in Bayonne, Jersey City, Hoboken, Union City and North Bergen.
Neighborhood Feral Cat Initiative - Hudson County
Any resident of Hudson County that manages a feral colony within Hudson County can get the cats spayed or neutered for $10 per cat.
Strictly for feral cats - no friendly or tame cats
Details on website www. neighborhoodferalcat.org
or call 201 884 9649 or email workshop @ companionanimaltrust.com.
They provide Trap Neuter Return training, loan traps for free
Monmouth County
Monmouth County SPCA Spay/Neuter Clinic
260 Wall Street
Eatontown, NJ 07724
Low cost spay/neuter, vaccines, and flea products.
East Coast New Jersey Spay Clinic
918 Hazelwood Rd, Toms River, NJ 08753
Animal Welfare Association
509 Centenial Boulevard
Voorhees NJ 856-424-2288
Low cost s/n for ferals and pets.
Statewide New Jersey Programs
New Jersey Dept of Health & Senior Services
Pet Overpopulation Control Fund
PO Box 360 Trenton, NJ 08625 609-292-7837
Spayed or neutered at a discounted price, check eligibility
if you have adopted through a rescue group or shelter you qualify
Low Cost Spaying/Neutering Program – check this site
Department of Health | Veterinary Public Health | Animal Population Control (nj.gov)
Animal Population Control
The New Jersey Department of Health supports several animal population control programs to prevent animal overpopulation and to protect human health. These include programs that promote the spaying or neutering of animals.
Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program
You may be eligible to have your pet spayed or neutered at a discounted price at one of the participating veterinary hospitals.
Spay or Neuter your adopted dog or cat for $20.00 if you:
Are a New Jersey Resident
Adopted your pet from an eligible licensed NJ shelter; municipal, county, or regional pound; NJ holding or impoundment facility that contracts with NJ municipalities; or a non-profit NJ animal adoption referral agency
Licensed the dog in your municipality (licensing for cats is not required).
Spay or Neuter your dog or cat for $10.00 if your receive any of the following:
Food Stamps
General Public Assistance
Rental Assistance
Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Lifeline Utility Credit
Tenants Lifeline Assistance
Supplemental Security Income
Pharmaceutical Assistance to Aged & Disabled
Show the vet your ID card
Important Program Information
Call a participating veterinary hospital for an appointment and additional program details.
Many veterinary clinics participate
For a list complete updated list of participating veterinarians in your area see